Periodontal Dentistry

Gingival Flap Surgery

Single Sitting Treatment Available

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Periodontal Gum Flap Surgery near me

Gum diseases have to be evaluated and treated at the earliest in order to protect the teeth and oral function. Our team of highly skilled Periodontists specialize in providing you the most advanced gum care.

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Warranty Lifetime Money Back Warranty

With the amount of resources we spend in procuring the best dental technology; keeping them up to date, and monitoring our quality through a series of systems- We Know Our Work is Unmatched! Hence, we have no hesitation in providing Lifetime Warranties over all our dental treatments.

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Gingival Flap SurgeryWhy

» Gingival Flap surgeries are aimed at disinfecting the Periodontal tissues and making them regain health.
» Such treatments enhance the life of the teeth and Surrounding bone, and this makes your gums sterile and completely free of harmful bacteria.


Gingival Flap SurgeryProcedure

» The gums are cleaned with highly specialized instruments. The concerned area is numbed with local anaesthesia so that the entire process will be pain-free for you.
» The gums are elevated carefully. The granulation tissue which contains active microbes is then removed. The tooth and root surface is also cleaned at the same time. By doing so, both the hard and soft tissue are disinfected perfectly and this makes your gums free from harmful bacteria.
» Depending on the level of destruction, you may or may not require soft tissue or hard tissue grafting.

Gingival Flap SurgeryTechnology
Our Internationally trained team has 10+ years of experience in providing the best dental care.

» LASER-assisted gum therapy helps to eliminate infection precisely and strengthens the periodontium and thus preserves the tooth structure. LASER-assisted new attachment procedure or LNAP helps in recovering the gums from microbial damages.

» Advanced scanning techniques are helpful to precisely determine the amount of bone loss under the tooth. It is highly important to curate and devise an accurate treatment plan. It promptly guides the surgery and increases treatment success.

PlanningKnow about Your Treatment Visits

Single Visit

  • » Consultation and Diagnosis
  • » Digital X-rays
  • » Treatment plan, discussion and confirmation
  • » Scaling and root planning
  • » Gingival flap surgery
  • » Periodontal dressing
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PreferredWhy Our Patients Choose Us?
We are a rare combination of individualism, commitment, perfection, precision, composure and compassion.

We stand in every mean to deliver you the best in the world of dentistry.

Quality Assurance
Most Advanced dental technology from USA & Germany.
We exceed International hospital grade sterilization standards.
Lab Support
We work in collaboration with the best dental laboratories of the world.
Team of CRM
Get 24*7 personalized assistance from your dedicated CRM.
We believe in delivering Top Notch Dentistry at the most affordable pricing.
Luxury Experience
Experience Elite dentistry at our Luxury dental office in India.
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  • Is laser treatment harmful?
    It is extremely useful to avoid unnecessary damages to healthy tissues. Infact lasers have an antimicrobial property that protects the treated structure from bacterial proliferation.
  • Can I follow my routine after laser-assisted treatment?
    Yes, you can. The laser-assisted treatment has very minimal restrictions and certainly needs no restriction to your routine unlike the conventional one.
  • Do I have to take any special measures after periodontal flap surgery?
    You are advised to avoid hot and spicy foods for a week. It is better to use a soft bristle brush for the time being until the surgical site heals completely. Never miss your usual oral care regime.
  • Can I eat my favourite foods in case I get treated for severe gum diseases?
    Certainly you can eat your favorite food items provided you follow the instructions given by the periodontist until complete recovery. The success of your periodontal surgery mainly depends on the aftercare regime you follow post surgery.
  • Is gingival flap surgery long-lasting?
    We incorporate advanced technology in order to give you the best treatment. Certainly, periodontal treatment is long lasting provided you perfectly follow the instructions given by the periodontist.

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